Popes Glen Creek Remote GGWW

PG Creek 1 Remote 2015 wA beautiful sunny day for a walk in the creek. Sunday morning 8th March was scheduled as a joint BMCC/NPWS  Great Grose Weed Walk event and a small, able group headed out of the Parks office just after 9 a.m. to find those pesky remaining Gorse and any other weeds that might appear.  Amongst the group today, no less than four Blue Mountains Bushcare Legends!


Work involved a lot of walking through dense bush, to find the occasional small clearing, silt deposit or drainage line where weeds tend to congregate as well as wet feet to check the banks from the creek itself.

PG Creek Remote F wAbout 100 gorse plants varying from small hand-pulled seedlings to larger 1/2 metre high cut-&-paint jobs were removed. Other weeds found and treated were Monbretia (not much – good!), English Holly, a few Broom & Fleabane. Of course, not only work done. Good companionship and teamwork displayed with the odd break for a cuppa and sandwich. Nothing like sitting in amongst the perfect native bush while doing that with friends. A very satisfying day indeed.